Discover the Power of Call Box:
A 3-Part Docuseries Transforming Patient Communication with Twin Peaks Veterinary Clinic
Welcome to our exclusive 3-part docuseries, where we delve into the impact of Call Box on the call handling processes at Twin Peaks Veterinary Clinic. Discover how Call Box has optimized their phone handling processes, enhanced patient satisfaction, increased the number of appointments booked, and boosted overall operational efficiency.

Join Call Box's Client Success Consultant, Chelsey Kilburn, and Twin Peaks' Director of Technology, Erica Garner as they discuss how Twin Peaks Vet Clinic transformed operations by prioritizing the phone processes at their practice.

Part 1: Leveraging the Phone as Twin Peak's Greatest Potential Asset

August 8th

Explore the initial pain points Twin Peaks Veterinary Clinic faced and areas of opportunity before integrating Call Box into their operations. From relatable challenges like missed calls to inconsistent pricing quotes, see the real-world challenges that hindered their growth and patient experience.

Stay tuned next week to discover how Twin Peaks partnered with Call Box to transform operations and improve efficiencies.

Part 2: Tailored Solutions: Partnering with Call Box

August 15th

Discover the journey of Twin Peaks as they partnered with Call Box to optimize their call handling processes. This episode highlights Call Box's collaborative approach, showcasing how tailored solutions were designed to meet the specific needs of Twin Peaks. Witness the seamless transition and immediate improvements that resulted from this strategic partnership.

Tune in next week to learn how Twin Peaks Vet Clinic is spending $0 on their marketing efforts with the help of Call Box!

Part 3: Success Unveiled: The Impact of Call Box at Twin Peaks

August 22nd

Celebrate the success story of Twin Peak's post implementation of Call Box. See how Call Box has not only improved call handling processes, but also significantly boosted bottom line revenue with data-backed insights from what is happening on the phone.

Demo Call Box today!
Want to learn how you can achieve similar results as Twin Peak to improve operations and boost patient opportunities with Call Box? Schedule a demo with Call Box to discover how your practice can become CRISP on the phone!
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