5 Secrets to Overcome Poor Call Connection at Your Healthcare Practice

Are new patient opportunities slipping through the cracks when they call your practice? Are you tracking how many callers are hanging up on hold? Unsure what you can do to connect more callers to convert them into appointments?

Call Box is here to help you discover secrets to overcome poor call connection at your practice!

In this on-demand webinar, telephony expert Nicole Craig will discuss the basics of call connection to help you uncover opportunities your practice could be missing. The phone is a vital asset at your practice and call connection not only improves call outcomes, but the overall patient experience. By taking advantage of the tools and solutions provided in this webinar, your team will learn how to resolve gaps in call management processes, improve call routing, increase appointment conversions, and boost new and existing patient experience.

In this FREE webinar, you'll uncover:

The difference between answered and connected calls.

Trends that are directly impacting call connection rates at your practice and how your practice's metrics stack up.

How specific times of the day, days of the week, and holidays are affecting call connection.

Actionable strategies you can implement immediately to improve overall call connection at your practice.