Which CRISP Phone Handling Metric Should My Practice Focus on to Improve Phone Performance?
Take the five-minute quiz below to identify which strategic phone handling metric your practice should focus on. The suggested metrics, based on Call Box's CRISP phone handling regime, aim to help practices increase the number of booked appointments and improve patient experience!
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Connect is the first step toward bringing in patients to your practice. An answered call is determined based on a technical pick-up signal, whether initiated by a person or a machine. But a connected call is when the customer reaches a qualified agent who can help address their questions or concerns. While answering a call can result in the patient hanging up while on hold or leaving a message, connecting a call ensures the patient's purpose for calling is met. Connection is the crucial first step to providing patients with a top-notch experience in a timely manner.

Once the patient's call is determined to be an opportunity to book an appointment, the scheduler must sell the practice and the appointment by inviting the patient into the office. Often times, schedulers are friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable on a call, but they get into "order taker mode" — they answer the patient's questions and hang up the phone thinking they provided an excellent experience. In hindsight, they never offered the patient an appointment and therefore didn't provide the help the patient needed.

Scheduling the appointment is the next obvious step to ensure a patient receives an optimal experience. Phone handlers should start by asking what time of day works best for the patient, then whittle it down to a particular time of day. For example, "What time of day works best for you, mornings or afternoons? Great, do Tuesdays or Thursdays work better for you?" Finally, offer two times for an appointment. Once a time is decided upon, repeat the time back to the patient and have him or her confirm it while on the phone.

No matter how great schedulers are on the phone, calls will slip through the cracks; there will be patients who aren't connected to someone who can help them and appointment opportunities that are mishandled. These calls present an opportunity to proactively reach out to patients to pursue appointments and resolve any concerns from mishandled calls. Having a structured outbound calling process in place sets an office apart from the competition and provides an additional opportunity to capture the booked appointment.

Crisp Report 2

Crisp Report 3

Crisp Report 4

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