Innovative Reporting Released to Drive Accountability

Call Box is Excited to Announce Our New Pursue Opportunity Seized Report!

This new report drives accountability to handle Pursue Opportunity alerts as quickly as possible, ensuring patients are helped instantly. The report offers both location-level and enterprise-level views to show how alerts from Pursue Box were handled by staff members and managers, or by location.

Below is a screenshot of the location-level reporting.

The first column shows Recipients. Recipients are users that are actively receiving email or text alerts for calls in the Pursue Box. If you want more recipients to receive these alerts, there will now be a convenient button to create alerts from Pursue Box. The next column shows how many Pursue Opportunities each recipient received during the date range.

Seized Personally is the number of Pursue Opportunities where the recipient either placed an outbound connected call or handled an inbound connected call to resolve that missed opportunity. If your managers or certain individuals are responsible for following up with certain types of missed opportunities, this is an important metric to watch.

Then, we will show the average number of minutes it took for the recipient to salvage the opportunities they handled. This valuable metric holds staff and managers accountable by showcasing the speed to salvage these patients. It is important to reach out to these missed opportunities quickly before they turn to competition.

Because more staff members might seize opportunities outside of those who receive the alerts, we'll also show opportunities seized by anyone.

Lastly, we show the number of opportunities not seized by anyone, meaning no one connected with the patient before the missed opportunity expired from Pursue Box in 72 hours. This will show how many patients are left slipping through the cracks.

Use this new report to optimize on your Pursue Box alerts and ensure no potential appointments are missed.

There is also an enterprise version of Pursue Opportunities Seized report available to multi-client users in Enterprise Reporting.

Multi-client users will see a high level overview of how each practice is performing in many of the same metrics from the location-level report. Each practice is hyperlinked and will bring you to the location-level view for that location.

Both reports have spreadsheet downloads available which have details on how each Pursue Opportunity call was handled, how it was addressed and by whom, how long it took to seize, as well as links to those calls.

To view the new location-level Pursue Opportunities Seized report in your Call Box account, click HERE! For the enterprise report, click HERE.

If you do not currently have Call Box's Pursue Box or Pursue Box alerts set up, click HERE to schedule a time to learn more.

Pursue Opportunities are unbooked opportunities to follow up with an outbound call to book a firm appointment. Callers who did not reach a qualified agent, who had declined appointments, who had made soft appointments, who were never asked in for an appointment and potentially dissatisfied callers are considered Pursue Opportunities.

For questions regarding this enhancement, contact your Call Box consultant or Call Box Support!