Without the right tools in place, appointment opportunities driven by marketing and advertising dollars go to waste. Too often, callers get stranded on hold for extended periods of time while office staff tends to other pressing concerns. When patients waiting on the line feel forgotten, they begin hanging up after only about 30 seconds. This results in lost potential patients and revenue.
Increasing booked appointments and decreasing hang-ups is a simple adjustment. The answer is typically not to hire more staff to handle the phones during periods of high call volume. Rather, the answer is as simple as gaining insight into when high volumes of calls are coming into your practice so you can better allocate current staff members to match the trends your practice experiences.
Each practice has its own unique patterns of high phone traffic times of day and days of the week. To gain insight into these calling trends…
First, go to your Tracking Line Summary in Call Box. Look at the days of the week experiencing the highest call volume. Industry averages indicate Mondays are the busiest day of the week, while Fridays are the least busy weekday.

Second, still looking in your Tracking Line Summary, see what times of day get the most calls into your practice. If your practice follows industry trends, you may find 9:00 to 11:00 am is the busiest window of time for patient calls.

Every practice is unique as to when it gets the most inbound phone calls. By utilizing Call Box's detailed reporting, you can uncover your own practice's phone trends to proactively make adjustments and implement the most efficient and effective workflow.
If you have any questions about inbound phone trends or would like to learn more about how to leverage your practice's data to drive improvement, call 855-887-1087 or email content@callbox.com to set up a time to talk further.